CommunityVotes London 2024
Winners 2024

Red Door Candle Studio

Results for 'Red Door Candle Studio' in the following categories.
Gold Candles in Wellness, Hair and Beauty
Gift Shops in Retail Stores

Red Door Candle Studio

London, ON

Red Door Candle Studio is located in the beautiful city of London, Ontario Canada. We started to make our candles in 2016 as a hobby and soon found that we had a lot of support and a small following from the artisan community here in London, Ontario. After doing 6 months research and endless testing we decided that this was our niche.

As we began making our presence known in local craft shows, we witnessed the incredible support of the London, Ontario community.  Through word of mouth from happy clients, our business began to flourish.

We love and appreciate all the new friends and faces we see at the shows and the familiar faces returning for more. Our pride comes from making hand poured candles that our customers love.